Inspired by nature
Converting legumes and pulses into the highest quality neutral flavoured & functional plant-based ingredients at the lowest cost using a water, energy & environmentally conscious process

What do we offer?
Our technologies are available for licensing to the plant protein & starch industries across all continents.
NUB’s patent pending technologies address both off-flavours associated with plant proteins and Anti-nutritional factors (ANF’s) whilst preserving the functionality of pulses & legumes, their proteins and their starches

Which plants are our solutions suitable for?



Other substrates
What makes us different?

NUB is dedicated to accelerating the transition away from highly processed ingredients by making these technologies available to ingredients and food manufacturers for use in a range of applications

Common applications include: Dairy & meat (alternatives), pasta, snacks, bakery, savoury, soups and petfood applications

Converting legumes & pulses into economical and sustainable ingredients using water-conscious and chemical-free technologies, thereby reducing CO2 emissions, materially reducing the impact on climate change and prioritizing human health.